Dr Jithendra Somaratne You are here:HomeOur CardiologistsDr Jithendra Somaratne BHB MBChB PGCertClinEd FRACP PhD Consultant Cardiologist Dr Somaratne completed his advanced physician training in cardiology at the Green Lane Cardiovascular Service (Auckland City Hospital, New Zealand). Following on from this, he undertook a 2-year advanced clinical fellowship in interventional cardiology at St Vincent’s Hospital Melbourne. During that time, he gained invaluable experience in complex coronary intervention, coronary physiology, intra-coronary imaging, catheter-based renal denervation, balloon aortic valvuloplasty, and transcatheter aortic valve implantation. He recently completed his PhD in preventative cardiology at The University of Auckland (UOA) in New Zealand. To further his interest in clinical teaching, he obtained a Postgraduate Certificate in Clinical Education, also from The UOA. Dr Somaratne’s interests in the field of cardiology are widespread and varied: clinically, he practices as an interventional cardiologist, while his research interests concentrated on the prevention of heart disease including cardiovascular risk assessment and stratification. St Vincent’s Heart Centre, Lvl 2, Healy Wing, 41 Victoria Pde, Fitzroy, Vic, 3065 Tel: 9231 3000 Fax: 9231 3333